Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Random Scraps

Okay, I suppose that we have just a touch more catch up to do, but because I am feeling lazy and non-descriptive, I am going to put the "important" (a relative term) events in the form of a list.

1. We had yet another full-out baby buying splurge. This time we ended up purchasing a front pack baby carrier (not the one pictured), socks, organic receiving blankets, summer hats, penguin overalls, a fleece bag, and a blue tie-dye onesie. Everything was on sale except the front pack, which we got anyway because it fell into the category of Things That Casey Has To Have Right Now. I also got a knitting guide so that I can make cute, fuzzy things for the baby (or at least that is the plan.... I have never actually finished a knitting project)
2. We heard on the news that the Goodwill took Mardi Gras beads for use the following year, so we jumped at the chance to get rid of our mountain of glitter.
3. We drove through Mississippi, stopping only to get a sticker for the van and take a picture of the welcome sign. This may be cheating, yes, but you really can't see them all and I was still feeling awful.
4. We got to Alabama, spent one night in a Walmart parking lot and drove the next morning to a house that my dad and stepmother had rented for a week in order to visit my step brother Josh. There will be much more about our time here in the next blog.

And on to other news:

-I have officially gained twelve pounds since leaving Portland. I think that I might be over-achieving on the whole weight-gain thing, because none of my shirts fit me anymore and it looks (and feels) like I am smuggling a bowling ball. And I am, without a doubt, waddling.

-We started a new book called Be Prepared- A practical handbook for new dads, which was a Christmas present from our beloved Steven and Lacey. It is hysterical. I have included some of our favorite pictures from the beginning chapters.

-And lastly, after longer than I am choosing to disclose, we have both finally showered. Casey celebrated by buying a fancy new shirt and going out to play golf with my dad. I celebrated by showering again.

Also, I would like to thank all of you for your awesome comments. Sitting down to read them has become one of our favorite parts of the day. And it is so great to know how many people are checking up on us.

We love you and miss you all.


Anonymous said...

I love you!!!
You picked TERRIBLE weekends for me to come to miami, but I will try:)call me- this is my 'new york number' so it will only charge you phone regular minutes. be patient though it takes a few seconds to connect after I pick up!!!!
Give it to the old one, too, k?
(212) 796 5743
CALL ME!!!! I can;t find your number!- andy

Anonymous said...

hello adventure kids! i have great advice about crying - just smak em! kidding, that just makes em cry more, you have to lock them in the closet under lots of blankets so you can't hear them! also kidding! i really don't know what to do other than smother them with kisses!
i want to know how much weight October has gained since you left portland!
-bye, till next time

Anonymous said...

that last post was me! - eli

Anonymous said...

hey there zawicki train, very happy to see you all are getting a chance to rest. things have been great around here. we went yesturday to get a couple tattoos, and after 2 long hours of looking, sketching, and confusing the hell outa the artist, we both desided to wait. the sun has started to pop out here, and lawns are starten to be mowed. the smell in the air is amazing. hmmm what else... for v-day i got steven and i matching hoodies ( hilarious) his says I heart lacebabe, and mine says i heart steven. we havent had an outing yet in them, but i will force him! hahahahahha! also for stevens b-day ive secretly purchaced dave matthews tickets in seattle, booked a hotel room, and a round trip train ride!!!! it's pretty much impossible to keep from him, so i might tell you guys a few more times about it!! i shure am getting attached to these belly shots( stevens worried) but my sisters is growing, so ive started to spread the obsession. things are goin great with katie an tonys wedding, we got our dresses, all the matirial for the invitations, and the batchlorett party is well on its way!!!! lindsay i know your excited for some cocktails! well effin A, i love you guys, and hope you enjoy your down time. i will talk at you real soon. - lacebabe

Anonymous said...

just relized i told all who read this about stevens suprise gift, i will cut you all if he finds out! also hope no one is losing sleep over my spelling and punctuation. k love you by. -lacey

Anonymous said...

didnt really mean "enjoy the down time" i need my daily blog, where u at where u at. can i getta hell yeah. just wanted to say thank you for the post card, we love it. also bitta news, ryan asked allison to marry him! pretty neato. k gotta go to work love you bye. sincerely blogless -lacey

Anonymous said...

Lacey crack me up about the steven thing....hope he doesn't read this blog.

Love you Casey and Linsay!!! Just streesed out at work workin on everything for everyone else so I am pissed and decided it was time I checked in on the happier things in life.